Daytona Group Promises
If you have decided to follow the suggestions in this program, a new life will begin to unfold within you. Along with this new life are promises that will guide and sustain you. They are manifested among us in sobriety, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. These are the promises we in SLAA have found:
- We will regain control of our lives
- We will begin to feel dignity and respect for ourselves.
- The loneliness will subside and we will begin to enjoy being alone.
- We will no longer be plagued by an unceasing sense of longing.
- In the company of family and friends, we will be with them in body and mind.
- We will pursue interests and activities that we desire for ourselves.
- Love will be a committed, thoughtful decision rather than a feeling by which we are overwhelmed.
- We will love and accept ourselves.
- We will relate to others from a state of wholeness.
- We will extend ourselves for the purpose of nurturing our own or another's spiritual growth.
- We will make peace with our past and make amends to those we have hurt.
- We will be thankful for what has been given us, what has been taken away, and what has been left behind.
If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.